Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Good News From My World

Now that it's official, I can finally tell the world that I have, on my fifteenth try (yes, I've been applying since 1993), been awarded a 2008 Guggenheim Foundation fellowship. While I would certainly have liked to have received one earlier, this fellowship could not have come at a time when I needed it more, as my medical bills for my cancer treatments and surgeries have been mounting at a frightening rate.

I keep looking at the list of Fellows on the Guggenheim Foundation web site to confirm that my name is still there. Sometimes the world does give one what one needs when one needs it. Just not very often...


C. Dale said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations from (at the moment) snowy Colorado!

Mark Granier said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it.

Ron Slate said...

Well deserved.

Don Share said...

Congrats, Reginald!

Robert said...

Congratulations--yes, well deserved!

Peter said...

Good for you! Congrats!

Hedgie said...

Congratulations. And continuned best wishes.

vmh said...


ninian said...

I fondly remember that intense young poet/writer from our Bennington days.

Congratulations on this award so richly deserved.

All my best,


anything but poetry said...


Daniel Pritchard said...

Many congratulations – much deserved!

Out Of Jersey said...

May you know good health with this good fortune.

C. H. said...

mazel tov, man! awesome news! peace and poetry!

Joseph Duemer said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is good news, gospel for the poetry world. Did you know that 15 is the number of "imaginative ascent" in hermetic poetry? Hope 15 will really be lucky for you!

tyrone said...

Let me add my congratulations to the chorus, Reginald.


Kristin LaTour said...

Sending congratulations on such a noteworthy award, and wishes that this is the beginning of other great beginnings


dinty_w said...

How wonderful,finally.

Alchemkiss said...

Congrats, one of my favorite thinkers!

Lisa C. Moore said...

WOW!!! congratulations, Reginald! and like you said, just in time. i'm so happy for you!